Wednesday, December 21, 2022

The blizzard that met us on coming out of Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve, December 24th, 1965. Blessed final Advent Days and Joyful entry into Christmas 2022!

Dans ce JOURNAL je partage de temps en temps un aperçu de ma vie de chrétien catholique et de prêtre pour rejoindre d'autres qui désirent contribuer au bien commun et pour faire avancer l'ouverture personnelle à Dieu qui fait vivre toute l'humanité et veille sur nous. G.S.


In this JOURNAL I will share once in a while a glimpse of my life as a Catholic Christian and priest to connect with other people who desire to contribute to the common good and to enable personal openness to God who gives life to all of humanity and watches over us. G.S.


Yes, yes, yes... it was Christmas Eve 1965... I remember because it was our very first Christmas on my parents new (old) dairy farm at 45 Rang de la Cabane Ronde, L'Épiphanie QC... around 40 km from Pius via highway 25. 

It had been a mild, brown and gray December in 1965, and like many, we went to midnight Mass in our shoes. We participated joyfully in the fairly lengthy Midnight Mass and stayed for the additional two Masses while most of the assembly departed.

There were at the time 4 Christmas Masses: the first Mass was the Mass of Christmas Eve; then came the Mass at Midnight, which is now the Mass during the night, followed by the Mass at dawn, which we still have; followed in turn by what is still the Mass during the day. We no longer have 4 but only 3 Christmas Masses.

So, we participated in 3 of the 4 Masses at Midnight, which was fully musical and magnificent, prayerful and inspiring, so joyful.... and probably lasted over an hour. Most of the assembly left then. We stayed, along with a good number of people for the second Mass, the Mass at Dawn, which went for about 35 minutes. After a few minute interval, a priest offered the third Mass, the Mass during the Day, which lasted only 20 minutes or so. We received Holy Communion 3 times! 

Then, we visited the magnificent Manger scene and "soaked up the atmosphere" as it were, admiring and allowing ourselves to be moved by the huge and magnificent central fresco of the Epiphany with the 3 Wise Men at the Manger in Bethlehem dominating the center of the Sanctuary... it must have been 6 meters wide and 8 to 9 meters high.... 

On either side of the sanctuary in what were balconies, there were two more magnificent frescoes, which if I remember correctly, depicted Jesus' Baptism and the Wedding Feast at Cana. These three Gospel moments comprise what id called the "Épiphany Mysteries" which are celebrated together in the Liturgy of the Hours and most dramatically by Christians of the Eastern Rites - Catholics and Orthodox.

Finally, we turned around to leave. So, on emerging from the Church, content to have participated in 3 of the 4 Christmas Masses, were we ever shocked to open the outer door of the church only to find ourselves in a blizzard, with a foot of snow and thick falling snow driven by a strong wind.

Most of the two miles / 3 kilometers from the church to our farm house was along Rivière Achigan, which is narrow but deep. Very quickly Papa was terrified he could no longer see the road; so, I asked him to stop the car so I could go out and sit on the hood and indicate to him when he should go more to the left by holding out that arm or to the right by holding out that arm and with no arms to keep going straight. He must have driven at10 or 15 mph and the cold and snow were fierce sitting out there on the hood, but we made it. Better to be a little cold than to land in the river! Man, what a vivid memory!

Blessed final Advent days, everybody, and peaceful, joyful, restful entry into the Season of Christmas until the Baptism of the Lord, which this year because of Christmas landing on Sunday, falls on Monday, January 9th. 




In this JOURNAL I will share once in a while a glimpse of my life as a Catholic Christian and priest to connect with other people who desire to contribute to the common good and to enable personal openness to God who gives life to all of humanity and watches over us. G.S.


Dans ce JOURNAL je partage de temps en temps un aperçu de ma vie de chrétien catholique et de prêtre pour rejoindre d'autres qui désirent contribuer au bien commun et pour faire avancer l'ouverture personnelle à Dieu qui fait vivre toute l'humanité et veille sur nous. G.S.


© 2004-2022 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2004-2022 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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Le Yogourt Liberté de St. Hyacinthe... rien de plus québécois, pas vrai? Eh bien, non! Depuis 2012 General Mills! En 2025 Sodiaal! Pardon! Quoi?

Dans ce JOURNAL je  partage   de temps en temps de l'actualité ou un aperçu de ma vie de chrétien catholique et de prêtre pour rejoindre...