Thursday, May 9, 2024

What is the current state of English Catholic parishes in Montreal? Where have we come from? Where are we going? Where are we now?

Dans ce JOURNAL je partage de temps en temps un aperçu de ma vie de chrétien catholique et de prêtre pour rejoindre d'autres qui désirent contribuer au bien commun et pour faire avancer l'ouverture personnelle à Dieu qui fait vivre toute l'humanité et veille sur nous. G.S.


In this JOURNAL I will share once in a while a glimpse of my life as a Catholic Christian and priest to connect with other people who desire to contribute to the common good and to enable personal openness to God who gives life to all of humanity and watches over us. G.S.


Known Facts – Trying to establish a Timeline

From 1817 to the present.... 

Click here for a fuller and more detailed history 

From 1953 to 2024, the following 12 parishes and missions have been suppressed and their registers have been transferred to a neighboring parish church office.


St. Agnes – 1904 to 1953                        St. Ann – 1867 to 1982           

Our Lady of Good Counsel (St. Mary's) – 1879 to 1984      

St. Thomas Aquinas – 1908 to 1990

St. Philip Neri Mission – 1965 to 2002            St. Rita – 1952 to 2002 

All Saints Mission – 1963 to 2003

Marie-Reine-de-la-Paix – 1954 to 2009 when it became Jésus Lumière du Monde / Jesus Light of the World

St. David – 1963 to 2010 when it was joined to Jésus Lumière du Monde / Jesus Light of the World

St. Dominic – 1912 to 2012

St. Raphael the Archangel – 1930 to 2019? When it was changed into a Palliative Care project

St. Anthony of Padua – 1884 which will close this June, 2024

        Our Archdiocese expanded as it established dozens of new parishes, on the fringes of center town and in the developing suburbs on the Island of Montreal, the Island of Laval, and the Assomption peninsula. This came to require additional personnel for the diocesan Curia, the operating center of our diocese supporting our Archbishop. The Diocese acquired an office building formerly owned by the Shell company and it came to be known as the “2000”, which is its address on Sherbrooke Street West, opposite the old Grand Seminary.

        In addition, growth in personnel was also caused by all that developed during and after Vatican Council II in Rome from 1962 to 1965. However, as the Curia personnel was expanding, despite the added number of parishes and churches, the actual Sunday practice for worship began to diminish. The shocking experiences of WW II, the ensuing prosperity of the 1950’s, the social upheaval of the 1960’s, the confusion, violence, and questioning of the 1970’s, the disillusionments of the 1980’s, the sexual and authority abuse beginning in the 1990’s and running into the 2000’s, and finally the Covid-19 pandemic… people were taking a step back from their Sunday worship, support, faith practice, and perhaps even from their belief in God.  

        The plummeting Sunday attendance resulted in the inevitable plummeting of donations and receipts for all the parishes, which translated into diminishing receipts for the Diocese; since its primary source of revenue has been the contribution made by the parishes, usually on a monthly basis. This “diocesan tax” originally set at 3% in the early 19th century, was increased to 5% as attendance began to drop and the Diocese’s costs were simultaneously increasing. Since my ordination in 1983, the rate went from 3% to 5%, then to 7%, and finally some 30 years ago, to 9%. Unfortunately, 9% of zero equals zero. The well is all but dry.

        The Diocese has not been able to adapt and downsize fast enough, and has been running deficits for many years. By the grace of God and the generosity of the faithful, bequests let the Diocese balance its deficits by year’s end. At the end of 2023, though, a few dozen workers were let go, and there may have to be more.

        Churches built to set 1,000 barely see a few hundred or less on any given Sunday. Many parishes, especially older ones, have not had the funds to do maintenance, let alone major repairs; with the result that churches and rectories have become unsafe and have been closed by the city. Many parishes cannot even remunerate their priest and are unable to have any staff; they rely on volunteers to keep the office open for service a few hours a week.

        The Diocese no longer has any funds to support bankrupt parishes. “What will be the future of the Catholic Christian faith in our neighbourhood?” Our ancestors rolled up their sleeves and worked together to build our churches and spread the faith. “What are we doing to proclaim the Good News by our lives?” Society is in a housing crisis. Not only itinerants, but even ordinary families are being pushed out of their homes by owners who want to renovate. “How can we work with government to build housing on our unused church properties?”

        The time is now for us to no longer be content to live as a “religious consumer” expecting services from our Church and, instead, heed Jesus’ call to become missionary disciples, to “go out and make disciples.”


In this JOURNAL I will share once in a while a glimpse of my life as a Catholic Christian and priest to connect with other people who desire to contribute to the common good and to enable personal openness to God who gives life to all of humanity and watches over us. G.S.


Dans ce JOURNAL je partage de temps en temps un aperçu de ma vie de chrétien catholique et de prêtre pour rejoindre d'autres qui désirent contribuer au bien commun et pour faire avancer l'ouverture personnelle à Dieu qui fait vivre toute l'humanité et veille sur nous. G.S.


© 2004-2024 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2004-2024 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Nutrition, jeûne, et équilibre de vie pour favoriser la santé et un mieux être, pour un bien-être certain. Bonne, Heureuse, Saine, et Sainte Année 2024!

Dans ce JOURNAL je partage de temps en temps un aperçu de ma vie de chrétien catholique et de prêtre pour rejoindre d'autres qui désirent contribuer au bien commun et pour faire avancer l'ouverture personnelle à Dieu qui fait vivre toute l'humanité et veille sur nous. G.S.


In this JOURNAL I will share once in a while a glimpse of my life as a Catholic Christian and priest to connect with other people who desire to contribute to the common good and to enable personal openness to God who gives life to all of humanity and watches over us. G.S.


Bonne, Heureuse, Saine, et Sainte Année 2024!

Et voilà, nous avons vécu un autre Jour de l'An! Bénies sont les personnes qui ont pu le vivre en compagnie de leur famille ou d'une famille d'amis.... On peut s'attendre qu'en conversation, il aurait pu être question de résolutions du Nouvel An... touchant nos activités de la vie de tous les jours les plus importantes: (1) le sommeil; (2) l'eau; (3) la nutrition; (4) l'activité physique; (5) le travail signifiant et satisfaisant; (6) les relations avec les autres; (7) recevoir et donner le pardon; (8) la détente passive et active; (9) les envolées de l'esprit; (10) les périodes de vacances et de répit; (11) la relation avec le Créateur; (12) les relations avec le monde et notre environnement; et tout cela sans anxiété mais dans un esprit détendu. 

(1)  Le sommeil: Nous passons presque le tiers de notre temps à dormir; donc, il est sage d'y assurer un repos maximal: excellent matelas, air pur, bonne préparation au sommeil (pratiques hygiéniques et boire de l'eau). Selon l'Institut National du Sommeil et de la Vigilance  (carnet pdf) à Paris en France, un sommeil suffisant et efficace est essentiel pour "la croissance, la maturation cérébrale, le développement et la préservation de nos capacités cognitives"; sans oublier notre équilibre psychique et notre bien-être à tous les niveaux. 

(2)  L'eau: En parlant de boire de l'eau, notre organisme biologique est composé à 65% d'eau pour un adulte selon le Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS). Voilà pourquoi le consensus en nutrition et en médecine est qu'un adulte devrait boire environ 1.5 litres ou 8 verres d'eau par jour, pas tout à la fois, mais graduellement au long de la journée. Selon le Centre d'information sur l'eau, boire plus de 5 litres d'eau en une journée serait dangéreux, mais en général ce n'est pas notre risque; au contraire, nous risquons de ne pas boire suffisamment d'eau. Notre corps entier a besoin d'eau pour fonctionner rondement, et en particulier nos organes principales on besoin d'eau comme une voiture a besoin d'eau pour refroidir le moteur et d'huile pour le lubrifier. 

(3)  La nutrition touche non seulement notre survie, mais aussi un des principaux plaisirs de la vie - par nous-mêmes mais encore mieux en compagnie des personnes bien-aimèes - et elle est étroitement liée également à notre santé et notre bien-être. Il y a plein de livres sur le marché sur ce sujet, et voici un fichier pdf du CIUSSS des Laurentides qui offre des liens à des pages ou sites qui peuvent nous être utiles: Fichier canadien sur les éléments nutritifs pdf Canada; Valeur nutritive de quelques aliments usuels pdf Canada; La consommation alimentaire et les apports nutritionnels pdf Québec; Ressources, livres et fichiers PDF par les Producteurs d'œufs du Canada; La consommation alimentaire et les apports nutritionnels pdf par l'Institut national de santé publique du Québec; Évaluation des besoins nutritionnels en fonction de l'âge pdf par MSSS / Publications; Coup d'oeil sur l'alimentation des adultes québécois pdf par l'Institut national de santé publique du Québec; Vision de la saine alimentation pdf par MSSS / Publications. Il y a plein de documents et de ressources sur ce sujet. Relié à la nutrition il y a une importante pratique qui remonte à des millénnaires et qui aujourd'hui bénéficie de recherches scientifiques.

Le jeûne - ami d'une bonne nutrition 

Durant le jeûne, notre corps éprouve des sensations de "faim", ce qui met le corps au même diapason que l'esprit qui, pour sa part, a toujours faim et soif de Dieu. Dieu nous a créés pour vivre en partenariat, en amitié, en communion - en lien étroit avec le Père en passant par Jésus et soutenus par le Saint-Esprit. C'est le domaine de Dieu... c'est Lui qui s'occupe de nous entrainer dans cette amitié... c'est toujours Lui qui prend l'initiative, et ce qui nous revient c'est tout simplement de répondre ou de s'abstenir, de l'accueillir ou de résister, de dire "oui" ou de dire "non, pas pour le moment". Dieu ne fait jamais violence à notre liberté, qui est peut-être le plus grand don qu'Il nous fait, au-delà du don de la vie elle-même. 

Le jeûne et la "patience" 

Accepter d'endurer quelque chose est le coeur de "la patience", mot qui nous vient du Latin, du verbe "patior" qui se traduit "je souffre". Voilà pourquoi nous nommons les personnes à l'hôpital pour recevoir un traitement en vue d'une convalescence "des patients"; justement parce que les personnes malades ou blessées souffrent des malaises et des douleurs. Pour bien vivre le jeûne, nous avons tout simplement a accepter de vivre, d'endurer, les sensations de la faim - telles qu'elles se font ressentir en nous - durant la période de jeûne. Le simple fait d'accepter d'endurer l'inconfort en faveur d'autrui est un acte d'amour. Voilà pourquoi le jeûne est si efficace pour nous entrainer vers Dieu dans cette relation intérieure que nous appelons la spiritualité, la communion spirituelle, souvent vécue dans la prière. 

La science, la médecine, et la sagesse de l'expérience 

Selon "Le Médecin du Québec", le "Jeûne intermittent" permet le "déclenchement des mécanismes d'adaptation du corps". Non seulement le jeûne permet-il de perdre du poids, mais encore plus important, il permet au corps - en tant qu'un organisme biologique dans son intégralité - de fonctionner plus rondement. En d'autres termes, cette pratique favorise le bien-être à tous les niveaux. En vue d'une perspective plus équilibrée, Radio-Canada a publié dans le cadre de "découvertes" et "actualités culinaires" cet article: "Le jeûne intermittent : populaire, mais pas fait pour tout le monde" Publié le 4 mai 2022 par Élise Madé de L'épicerie

La dimension spirituelle 

La recherche "le jeûne une expérience philosophique" a donné pleine de liens intéressants. Cependant, ce qui m'intéresse davantage, et touche de plus près ma propre expérience de foi en tant que chrétien catholique, est dans la direction du "jeûne, une expérience spirituelle". Suite à mes années de formation et au cours de 40 ans de ministère en tant que prêtre, je peux affirmer avec confiance que le jeûne se situe dans une place d'honneur dans l'expérience de Dieu qu'on fait des générations sans compte de juifs et de chrétiens depuis des millénnaires. Il y a eu plein de personnages de l'Ancien Testament qui se sont rapprochés de Dieu moyennant la prière et le jeûne. 

Jésus a lui-même enseigné la relation étroite entre la prière, le jeûne, et l'aumône - le don fait auprès des pauvres et aussi au Bon Dieu pour soutenir son oeuvre sur la Terre: la prière, le jeûne, et l'aumône - lors de son sermon sur la montagne en Mathieu chapitre 6. Sur le site "Le Jour du Seigneur" on y trouve un bon survol de la sagesse sur "Le jeûne dans la Bible", dans le Nouveau Testament aussi bien que dans le Vieux Testament, la Bible de nos frères et soeurs juifs. Voici la réponse d'un évêque français à la question: "Pourquoi jeûner, prier et faire l’aumône pendant le Carême ?" dans Aleteia enligne par Christophe Dufour. Voici un résumé de la question publié pour les jeunes sur "Le portail des jeunes de l'Église catholique", toujours en France: "Le jeûne, la prière et l’aumône : trois actes inséparables"

On peut trouver une abondance de ressources enligne sur les sujets suivants. Si vous avez des difficultés, sentez-vous libre de communiquer avec moi: 

(4) l'activité physique: Le corps humain est manifestement conçu et construit en fonction du mouvement intégral de tout le corps. On n'a qu'à considérer nos articulations, notre système musculaire, et nos systèmes de respiration et de circulation... quel chef d'oeuvre nous sommes.... Il va donc sans dire qu'à chaque jour nous devrions non seulement nous mouvoir, mais aussi y prendre plaisir. Il n'est pas nécessaire de s'astreindre à des programmes exigents de culture ou d'entrainement physique; mais il suffit de faire bon usage des opportunités que la vie de tous les jours nous accorde pour bouger. Bougeons en prenant le temps de respirer, de regarder autour de nous, de prendre conscience de l'état de notre corps et de notre esprit, et de prendre plaisir à bouger, à se mouvoir.... 

(5) le travail signifiant et satisfaisant: Le Pape Saint Jean-Paul II a publié un bel ouvrage sur l'importance, la valeur, et la dignité du travail dans la vie humaine; affirmant que le Créateur nous a fait à son image, y compris dans ce domaine de la vie. Le travail signifiant et satisfaisant nous aide à nous développer pleinement en tant que personnes humaines, et que sans le travail, nous ne pouvons pas y arriver. Cela comprend les opportunités de faire face à tous les défis qui surgissent tout au long du travail que nous entreprenons. 

(6) les relations avec les autres: Nous sommes aussi créés pour être en relation avec nos semblables; sans pour autant nier notre besoin de solitude. Nous sommes donce appelés à vivre un certain équilibre entre nos temps de solitude et de contemplation, d'une part, et d'autre part, tout le temps et toutes les occasions que nous avons d'entrer en relation avec les autres, nos semblables. Les autres, par leur seules différences avec nous, nous provoque à devenir à tous les jours une meilleure version de nous-mêmes. Cette tension est au coeur du mariage entre un homme et une femme: leurs différences ne peuvent jamais disparaître. 

(7) recevoir et donner le pardon: Ce sont en partie ces mêmes différences qui peuvent engendrer des conflits, des heurts, et même des blessures, plus ou moins sérieuses. Les sages nous rappellent que tant et aussi longtemps que je refuse de pardonner celui ou celle qui m'a blessé; je retiens cette personne dans une sorte de prison. Le problème est que cela m'exige plein d'énergie pour les maintenir dans cette prison - dont les barreaux sont la douleur, la colère, la haine, l'anxiété, et pleine d'autres émotions destructrices - ce qui fait que nous demeurons tous les deux en prison: eux en raison de mon refus de les pardonner, et moi, en raison de tout l'effort requis pour les garder en cette prison. En tant que gardien, je me trouve moi aussi en prison, que je le veuille ou non. Quand je pardonne de tout mon coeur, je libère non seulement le prisonnier, mais aussi le gardien, moi-même. Les disciples de Jésus découvre que par le pardon que Jésus a effectué sur sa Croix, Il nous habilite à pardonner à notre tour. Le prix a déjà été payé; il suffit de faire comme Lui pour an jouir.

(8) la détente passive et active: Le repos et le jeu sont parmi les nombreuses façon que nous avons pour nous reposer et refaire nos forces physiques, psychiques, morales, et spirituelles. Nous pouvons nous détendre tout seul ou en compagnie avec d'autres personnes. La détente est une activité clé pour toute famille et communauté où les gens vivent ensemble pour toute ou une partie de la semaine. On pourrait dire que chaque jour a besoin de sa détente; ainsi que chaque semaine. On peut entrevoir un temps spécial de détente pour chaque mois et à la fin de chaque année. C'est nécessaire, mais on peut mettre l'accent sur la liberté de la faire et le plaisir qu'on peut y prendre. 

(9) les envolées de l'esprit: La personne humaine se différentie des "autres animaux" sur la planète Terre de diverses façons, mais une façon plus remarquable est notre capacité de "partir en des envolées de l'esprit" dans la musique, la poésie, les arts plastiques, la peinture, la sculpture, la littérature, la philosophie, la science et la technologie, la spiritualité, et la religion; entre autres domaines d'activité spécifiquement humaines. Une personne qui ne permet jamais à son esprit "de s'envoler" resterait "cloué au sol"... quel dommage.... 

(10) les périodes de vacances et de répit: Au-delà de la détente, qui peut ne prendre que quelques minutes, ou quelques heures, ou quelques jours; nous avons besoin de "sortir de notre milieu habituel" par une sorte de vacance.... Le Frère Oblat Ernest Gauthier, OMI, portier au Séminaire Universitaire Saint-Paul à Ottawa de 1937 à 1983, que j'ai connu, disait qu'il nous est toujours possible de prendre "une vacance d'une minute" en nous rappelant la présence et l'amour de Dieu; qui désire habiter en nous, au fond de notre esprit. Là, c'est Dieu Lui-même qui nous libère du fardeau qui nous dérange, et comme un petit enfant, Il nous prend dans ses bras et nous rassure. Suite à cette petite vacance, nous retournons volontiers à nos occupations dans un esprit de prière et de confiance en Dieu. Évidemment, nous pouvons prendre de "vraies vacances" de quelques jours par mois ou de quelques semaines une ou deux fois par année; selon ce qui nous est possible. Ce n'est pas nécessaire d'y dépenser beaucoup d'argent non plus; avec de la créativité, tout devient possible.

(11) la relation avec le Créateur: Soit l'univers a toujours été là, indépendent de toute influence extérieure, soit qu'il a eu un début et qu'il a fallu une force extérieur pour "le faire partir". C'est l'avis majoritaire des scientifiques de notre époque; selon la théorie du "big bang"... la "grosse explosion" du début. Prenant pour acquis que Dieu le Créateur existe, nos seuls choix sont de l'ignorer ou d'accepter d'être en relation avec Lui. Ceci est facilité par la venue en notre monde du Fils de Dieu, conçu par Marie en son sein par l'action puissante mais discrète du Saint-Esprit; selon la parole de l'Ange Gabriel qu'il a prononçée à Marie lors de l'Annonciation et publiée par Luc dans son évangile au chapitre premier. Voilà l'événement que nous fêtons à Noël - la Nativité de Celui que Marie avait conçu en son sein neuf mois plus tôt vers le 25 mars - que nous fêtons et appelons L'Annonciation. 

(12) les relations avec le monde et notre environnement: Le Pape actuel, en fonction depuis son élection le 13 mars, 2013, est sans doute celui qui a articulé de façon la plus pratique ce que pourrait devenir et être nos relations avec les autres ainsi qu'avec le monde; ce qu'il appelle "notre maison commune" depuis la publication de sa lettre encyclique "Laudato Si - sur la sauvegarde de la maison commune" le 24 mai, 2015. 

Évidemment, ce qui est de loin le plus désirable est de faire tout cela, devenant plus habile, un jour à la fois, et sans anxiété, mais au contraire, dans un esprit détendu. 

Bonne, Heureuse, Saine, et Sainte Année 2024!


In this JOURNAL I will share once in a while a glimpse of my life as a Catholic Christian and priest to connect with other people who desire to contribute to the common good and to enable personal openness to God who gives life to all of humanity and watches over us. G.S.


Dans ce JOURNAL je partage de temps en temps un aperçu de ma vie de chrétien catholique et de prêtre pour rejoindre d'autres qui désirent contribuer au bien commun et pour faire avancer l'ouverture personnelle à Dieu qui fait vivre toute l'humanité et veille sur nous. G.S.


© 2004-2024 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2004-2024 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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Thursday, October 12, 2023

On the Recent Escalation of Conflict in the Holy Land

Dans ce JOURNAL je partage de temps en temps un aperçu de ma vie de chrétien catholique et de prêtre pour rejoindre d'autres qui désirent contribuer au bien commun et pour faire avancer l'ouverture personnelle à Dieu qui fait vivre toute l'humanité et veille sur nous. G.S.


In this JOURNAL I will share once in a while a glimpse of my life as a Catholic Christian and priest to connect with other people who desire to contribute to the common good and to enable personal openness to God who gives life to all of humanity and watches over us. G.S.


        CCCB President the Most Reverend Bishop William T. McGrattan has just published a very reasoned statement on behalf of the Roman Catholic Bishops and faithful of Canada on the recent escalation of conflict in the Holy Land. You can read the short statement here.

        Sadly, what usually remains unsaid or concealed in the shadows is the behaviour of the successive Israeli governments towards their Palestinian inhabitants since 1948, when there was a transfer of authority from the British protectorate to self-governing Jewish bodies.

        It is well documented that the new State of Israel proceeded methodically and without relenting to the removal of Palestinian inhabitants, turning their homes, vineyards, and gardens over to Jewish settlers. This policy continues to this day unabated. Those who were displaced and not killed were resettled in one of the 68 refugee camps in various places - in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip - which became rather like gettoes. This is because Israeli military and security have kept them hemmed in, so as to prevent them from returning to their former homes. 

        When I led two pilgrimage groups to the Holy Land in September 2000 and September 2013, our pilgrims met many Palestinians who are actually Israeli citizens. However, they shared with us the ways in which they are treated by the State of Israel as second class citizens. They are deprived of normal government services: no street repairs or maintenance, and many other services we take for granted are simply not provided; even though they pay their full share of taxes like their Jewish neighbours. 

        It is this unrelenting and ever encroaching Israeli policy over the past 75 years of taking over Palestinian land to create new Jewish settlements that makes it impossible for peace to ever be realized between these two peoples. This is no doubt a factor in the extreme policy of groups like Hamas, which is dedicated to the elimination of the State of Israel. 

        So, where does that leave us, the rest of the world? We share the same helplessness of the just and righteous people on both sides: just and humane Jewish people in Israel who lament their country's harsh and merciless policy towards their Palestinian neighbours, and just and longsuffering Palestinian people - both Christian and Muslim - who are held hostage by violent groups like Hamas who take it upon themselves to champion the Palestinian cause; even though those they claim to represent abhor their violent policies and terrorist acts. 

        This is a riddle which will only ever be resolved by our Creator God, who hears the prayers of all his children, whether they be Jewish, Palestinian, Muslim, or Christian.

        Sadly, to sum up, there is the tragic violence of military campaigns and terrorist actions. However, there is also the equally tragic violence of government policies intentionally designed for displacing people, seizing their land, and establishing in their place new settlements. True, at the time of the Exodus, God Almighty led his people into an occupation of Canaan, defeating and displacing people, but they were not entirely driven out or exterminated. The proof is that time and again God had to call on his people to repent of imitating those other people in their practices of idolatry.

        In our time, the State of Israel seems to have adopted a policy of systematically displacing people from their homes, apparently inspired by the original occupation after the Exodus. We believe this to be an erroneous interpretation of God's will for his people in our day. We are all children of Abraham, which makes us brothers and sisters of one father, and it is high time to find ways to live together in peace, which will require abandoning any number of ambitions.

                                "Lord, have mercy on all your children."


In this JOURNAL I will share once in a while a glimpse of my life as a Catholic Christian and priest to connect with other people who desire to contribute to the common good and to enable personal openness to God who gives life to all of humanity and watches over us. G.S.


Dans ce JOURNAL je partage de temps en temps un aperçu de ma vie de chrétien catholique et de prêtre pour rejoindre d'autres qui désirent contribuer au bien commun et pour faire avancer l'ouverture personnelle à Dieu qui fait vivre toute l'humanité et veille sur nous. G.S.


© 2004-2023 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2004-2023 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Our Roman Catholic Church has become poor, sometimes living among the poor, other times not, but still poor and a minority in society. We are often unable to defend ourselves or the truth against those who promote or pass on myths and misconceptions.

Dans ce JOURNAL je partage de temps en temps un aperçu de ma vie de chrétien catholique et de prêtre pour rejoindre d'autres qui désirent contribuer au bien commun et pour faire avancer l'ouverture personnelle à Dieu qui fait vivre toute l'humanité et veille sur nous. G.S.


In this JOURNAL I will share once in a while a glimpse of my life as a Catholic Christian and priest to connect with other people who desire to contribute to the common good and to enable personal openness to God who gives life to all of humanity and watches over us. G.S.


Slide of our church in l'Épiphanie, QC, I took in 1965 when our family moved to a dairy farm there when I was 16. It burned down almost 30 years ago and they built a smaller, more modern one inside some of the remaining walls. At present, we are small, lively faith communities, much like in the early Church at the time of the Apostles. 

What is your understanding of God? Of Jesus Christ? Of his Church? Of the Roman Catholic Church in particular?

Dear Friend who are willing to read me here, please allow me to "vent" a little of these thoughts regarding the "state of the Church" today....

We are the Church of Jesus, all of us who believe in Him as the Son of God, and the only Saviour of the world. We are all in this together, in trying to live together on Planet Earth. Pope Francis since his election in 2013 has pleaded with all of humanity to work together as brothers and sisters sharing this planet as "our common home". Unlike the doomsayers, Pope Francis is hopeful that we can work together to prevent the worst from happening to our world which we will be leaving to our children and grandchildren. 

Many if not most people today no longer believe in God, let alone worship Him

One of our realities and burdens for Church workers in recent years is the reality of so few people regularly going to Church, which translates into few Sunday offerings, which results in churches being unable to have full time employees but only part time, and in many cases, not even part time but relying in part or completely on volunteers. Our Church may look impressive in its buildings, but they were erected at a time when the majority of the population was Catholic and attending Church every Sunday. Now, most of them are almost resembling ghost towns in fact. Some French parishes only have a volunteer secretary for under ten hours of office time a week. That's all.

Demographics have radically changed in 75 years

One of my first parishes was St. Aloysius, where I served from 1985 to 1994, which was founded in 1908. At the time, it was the 8th English parish because there were only 7 others; whereas today, there are 35 parishes and one worship center (Newman at McGill). Nine parishes or missions have been closed. Two or three of those original 7 parishes no longer exist because some of their churches were expropriated for the building of the Ville-Marie Expressway and the CBC complex downtown. 

The people living in the new St. Aloysius Parish had lots of young families and built a church, hall, and rectory between 1908 and 1910. The population shifted to the north and west and east ends of Montreal and then to the West Island suburbs. By 1970, the parish could no longer afford to maintain its buildings and let them be expropriated by the City of Montreal in 1969 or 1970. Parishioners stripped the church of valuable items like stained glass windows. The Diocese put some church furnishings in storage to be used in new churches being built. Stained glass windows were auctioned off to parishioners to allow the Sunday Assembly to keep going in rented premises like Protestant churches.

There was a terrific expansion of English parishes as families with lots of children all became adults, married, and had children of their own from the 1930's to 1960's. Over two dozen new English parishes were founded and new churches built during those decades, during which time 75 to 85% of the population were going to Church every Sunday. Those parishes saw 5,000 to 15,000 people at 7 to 10 Sunday Masses every Sunday, including children, teenagers, and young adults. Even when they gave small offerings between $0.10 and $2.00 - in today's money that would be $2 to $15 - the sheer number of people provided parishes with proper operating budgets and allowed them to hire staff, pay operating expenses, and maintain and repair their buildings, and pay down their mortgages.

Attendance dropped off dramatically between the 1960's and 1990's until today, where barely 5% of the population participates in Sunday worship regularly. People went to Church because they believed in God. They knew they were much blessed by God and, despite life's challenges and sufferings, they were grateful to God and went to Church to express their gratitude and worship the living God. Now, many people have doubts. It's only human to have doubts. 

God chooses to remain silent before his accusers

Sadly, many people who have power and influence promote their doubts or skepticism about God or about the Church in order to arouse contempt for God. Reduced in numbers, the Church can no longer defend herself, or the truth, with the exception of people like Pope Francis, who is still covered and quoted in many places, both the mass media and social media. Apart from Pope Francis' success with media coverage of his words and actions, these critics are quite successful; consider the "absence" of God in the mass media, in government, in economics and business. It's "the law of the jungle" without God. They often pass on misinformation or even bare faced lies, and our Church now, reduced in numbers of loyal members as well as reduced in young, bright, enthusiastic clergy and lay workers, no longer enjoys "holding the microphone" which addresses the general public. 

The scientific revolution was initiated mostly by Christians and Catholics

As Jesus chose to remain silent before his accusers 2,000 years ago; so too now, does God choose to remain silent before those who proclaim that He does not exist. Many "myths" are being passed on in both mass and social media today, such as faith is opposed to reason, the Bible is opposed to science, and the Church is opposed to justice and progress. It makes no sense to blame people who believe these things - they have simply been misinformed; choosing not to go to Church, they have little access to the truth. However, it is wrong to pass on information if we have not investigated it ourselves to verify whether what we are passing on is true or not. The truth is that the majority of scientists leading up to and making up the "scientific revolution" of the 1500's to the 1800's were in fact Christians, most of them were devout Catholics, and deep believers in God, and many were even priests.

It is because they believed in God and that the universe was his Creation manifesting his beauty and wisdom that they engaged in scientific study and experiments. They were in awe of the ways in which nature reflects the qualities of the Creator, just as art reflects the qualities of the artist. Most if not all of the first universities in Europe were started and developed by the Church so that more people could have access to learning. Missionaries all over the world brought education to the impoverished people to whom they went to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. Missionaries in Canada and the far north worked to construct dictionaries in order to preserve indigenous languages, knowledge, wisdom, and history, and in many cases, even invented written languages for those peoples.

The residential schools issue

Residential schools were a tragedy enforced by the Canadian government, which was copying policies of the American government. The American government was carrying on a systematic genocide of indigenous peoples because of the wars caused by whites not respecting treaties made with the indigenous as well as some indigenous rebellious braves warring on innocent whites. Our Canadian government was ignorant or prejudiced in enforcing residential school policies to subdue the indigenous population and force them to assimilate into Canadian society. It was wrong also for the government to force religious and missionaries to implement this government policy. Today, the Church and Pope Francis have apologized, the Canadian government established the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and the rest of us need to catch up on taking interest in indigenous peoples and being willing to meet, listen, and talk with them. Many "calls to action" have been put together and published like this one. We have a long way to go yet.

What about the graves?

We moderns, with all our modern medicine publicly funded, have no idea of all the trouble and suffering endured by our grandparents and great grandparents going way back. They had no medicare. If they were able to have medical care at all it was thanks to armies of religious women, for the most part, who dedicated their lives and labours of love - with no salaries or pension plans - for the love of God and their neighbour. Moreover, we think that Covid-19 has been horrible, and it has for many who suffered it. The Spanish flu of 1918-1920 was far worse. Of the total world population of 1.5 billion, one out of three were infected - that's 500 million people, and of those, 17 to 50 million, possibly as many as 100 million died... that's between 4 and 20% of all those infected. The stats are not exact because national governments were so overwhelmed that they had trouble keeping count, and many of the victims were buried in mass graves.

There were many other "waves" of epidemics in the 19th and 20th centuries, and there were many mass graves. Just a few years ago, the authorities had to conduct archaeological digs in Confederation Park next to the Cathedral Marie-Reine-du-monde before being able to reconstruct Rue de la Cathédrale. The reason: in the early 1800's, when the city was down the hill and this was nothing but fields, the city had to make an emergency cemetery to bury the fever victims who came off the boats from Ireland. Many were buried on Grosse Isle in the St. Laurence River, but many more died here. Later, the graves were moved to Mount Royal, but they found a few more here who had been overlooked. The point is that the mortality rate was not necessarily any higher in residential schools than it was everywhere else. It is only since World War II, with the great advances in medical technology, that the death rate has been drastically reduced. We all have to die, but most now die in old age rather than in infancy or childhood. In summary, those mass graves were not a conspiracy to conceal the identity of those who died, but simply the fact that public authorities were often overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of sudden deaths. 

Jesus and early Christians actually promoted women's dignity and freedom

If Saint Paul in some of his letters insisted on women covering their heads in the Sunday assembly (there were no church buildings yet or for another few centuries), it was not a put down of women. The truth is that in the Roman Empire, woman were only safe in their father's house or their husband's house. If women lived anywhere else, it was because they had no choice but to be slaves or prostitutes, where they were exploited and forced to expose their hair for the enjoyment and exploitation by everyone. After their hair was seen and enjoyed, it was other parts of them that were often exploited. St. Paul was saying that when women came to the worshipping Assembly of Christians, they would not be exploited and did not have to expose their hair or be seen or used for the pleasure of others. In the Christian Assembly, they would be left alone and could keep their hair covered, because they would be safe and respected, whether they were living in their father's house, or their husband's house, or their own house, or in one of the new Christian communities even if they were still single.

That is only one among hundreds of examples of how people today misunderstand the conditions of societies in the past and misjudge the Catholic Church for her teachings and practices and also misread the Bible, not understanding the actual conditions in which the Church existed and developed over the past 20 centuries, or the conditions under which each of the books in the Bible were inspired by God and written between roughly 2,200 B.C. and 99 A.D.

Jesus predicted that his followers and disciples would receive no better treatment than he himself would receive, and that they would be persecuted, accused, falsely condemned, unfairly jailed, and even executed for his sake. This is now happening in dozens of countries around the world. It is partly happening here, and it may very well get worse soon. In the meantime, those who still work for the Church are courageous and generous, and extremely devoted, even if they are only able to work part time, and even when they have to volunteer because their parish is unable to afford paying them.

As a result, errors happen. We are no longer anything resembling a "big corporation". We are little, poor, often aging, like myself, often brilliant, at times smart enough but far from brilliant. But God loves the poor, the misunderstood, the persecuted, widows and orphans. You who may be "young professionals" have become accustomed to a very high level of competence and performance in the public sector and business world. Even so, many errors of judgement and accidents of information continue to happen, despite all our technology. So, please be understanding and kind when dealing with those who still, for the love of God and their neighbour, serve you and the Church. 

Thank you for reading my "vent"... (smile). I hope to meet you or have an exchange by email or phone, or even to see you soon. Thank you for reading me. Peace to you and your family, to your colleagues and friends, and all their families.

Christ is risen, alleluia!


In this JOURNAL I will share once in a while a glimpse of my life as a Catholic Christian and priest to connect with other people who desire to contribute to the common good and to enable personal openness to God who gives life to all of humanity and watches over us. G.S.


Dans ce JOURNAL je partage de temps en temps un aperçu de ma vie de chrétien catholique et de prêtre pour rejoindre d'autres qui désirent contribuer au bien commun et pour faire avancer l'ouverture personnelle à Dieu qui fait vivre toute l'humanité et veille sur nous. G.S.


© 2004-2023 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2004-2023 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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Sunday, January 22, 2023

2023 - 40th Anniversary Year of Marriage, Religious Life, and Priesthood

Dans ce JOURNAL je partage de temps en temps un aperçu de ma vie de chrétien catholique et de prêtre pour rejoindre d'autres qui désirent contribuer au bien commun et pour faire avancer l'ouverture personnelle à Dieu qui fait vivre toute l'humanité et veille sur nous. G.S.


In this JOURNAL I will share once in a while a glimpse of my life as a Catholic Christian and priest to connect with other people who desire to contribute to the common good and to enable personal openness to God who gives life to all of humanity and watches over us. G.S.



This was the year a certain seminarian intern was assigned to St. Kevin Parish, where he was welcomed by the Filippino Choir... a bunch of young people who were part of the "great immigration" of children of the Philippines to all parts of the world. Some of them were "live-in" maids living during the work week in the homes of their employers and sharing a small apartment on the weekend. One such apartment was the location where the Choir met after Sunday 5:00 p.m. Mass for a "pot luck" supper. The atmosphere was very warm, fraternal, and convivial, a loving community which was a glimpse of Heaven.

In fact, many of these young people, women and men, were in their 20's or 30's and were, in effect, in a period of preparation and discernment regarding their vocation in life. The seminarian was on his way towards ordination, first as a deacon, and later as a priest. Others were discovering the "love of their life" and taking steps towards marriage. One in particular was taking steps towards religious life as a sister with the "Little Sisters of the Poor". 

1983 to 2023

Teresita "Tessie" David and Willie Allonar married early in 1983 and are celebrating this year, in 2023, their 40th Anniversary. Your celebration last night was a joyful glimpse of "the Wedding Banquet of the Lamb of God" in Heaven. Jesus is in Himself the "Marriage between God and humanity", because He is both the Son of God and the son of Mary, wife of Joseph of Nazareth. 

We join you in celebrating the reality that your personal sacrifices willingly made out of love for one another, your family, and for others, have allowed the Most Holy Trinity to pour out life, love, and blessing on many people. We understand that God has not finished with you yet - as He has not finished with each of us - and we rejoice in this wonderful mystery. We also remember that Jesus, during his short time in public life on this Earth, enjoyed fellowship at table with all those willing to sit and share with Him, and He calls us to do the same. 

"We thank You, Lord Jesus, for continuing to grace our table fellowship and family celebrations. By the grace of the Holy Spirit, may we always make room at our tables to the stranger, the lonely, the "excluded ones", and those who feel unwanted for whatever reason. Open our eyes to notice them and our hearts to reach out to them. In this way, may You be pleased to make of us your missionary disciples for our day. Come, Lord Jesus. O my Jesus, I trust in You." 

Alice Yao - Sister Rosemarie Thomas of the Little Sisters of the Poor - is also celebrating her 40th Anniversary in religious life. The seminarian, now Fr. Gilles Surprenant, is celebrating as well his 40th Anniversary in the priesthood in Montreal. All those young people who came together as the original St. Kevin Filippino Choir have also found their way in life: many to marry and have children and, in time, grandchildren; others to remain single "for the Lord" and serve the community and the Church through their dedicated presence and generous service. Some, I believe, have already found their way to "the Father's House" to enjoy, by God's infinite mercy, the rewards of their labours in this life. 

We are joined in spirit and prayer by the Holy Spirit - the Lord and Giver of life - to the Heart of Jesus, the Divine Mercy, who ever brings us to his Father, who has brought us into being through the love and union of our parents. We give thanks to God for our parents, wherever they may be, who, despite their personal failings and human limitations, still received the grace to serve as instruments of the Most High, the Most Holy Trinity, in giving us life and nurturing us until we could find our own way in life, by the Grace of God.

"Come, Holy Spirit, and fill us anew with your divine life, love, and power, and make of us useful and effective instruments of your saving work in the world. Fill the hearts of the faithful and kindle in them the FIRE of your Love."

I offer Holy Mass in thanksgiving to God - all this week January 22nd to 28th, which is also the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity - in gratitude to God for all of us brought together by the Lord all those years ago, and also all those who have been added to our number during the course of these 43 years.... 

"Father in Heaven, may You be pleased to continue to bless us, our children and grandchildren, our parents, siblings, grandparents, and extended families, our brothers and sisters in religious life and in Holy Orders, and continue to make our lives fruitful in the saving work and mission of our Lord Jesus Christ, your beloved Son, through the working and power of the Holy Spirit." "Our Lady of Ville-Marie and of the Philippines, pray for us." "St. Joseph and St. Brother André, pray for us." "St. Kevin, pray for us." "Sainte Marguerite Bourgeois and Sainte Marguerite d'Youville, pray for us." "Saint Kateri, pray for us."


In this JOURNAL I will share once in a while a glimpse of my life as a Catholic Christian and priest to connect with other people who desire to contribute to the common good and to enable personal openness to God who gives life to all of humanity and watches over us. G.S.


Dans ce JOURNAL je partage de temps en temps un aperçu de ma vie de chrétien catholique et de prêtre pour rejoindre d'autres qui désirent contribuer au bien commun et pour faire avancer l'ouverture personnelle à Dieu qui fait vivre toute l'humanité et veille sur nous. G.S.


© 2004-2023 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2004-2023 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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Le Yogourt Liberté de St. Hyacinthe... rien de plus québécois, pas vrai? Eh bien, non! Depuis 2012 General Mills! En 2025 Sodiaal! Pardon! Quoi?

Dans ce JOURNAL je  partage   de temps en temps de l'actualité ou un aperçu de ma vie de chrétien catholique et de prêtre pour rejoindre...