Thursday, March 25, 2021

We are all eager to say "Yes!" to life, but to say "Yes!" to God? That is quite another matter, isn't it? Or is it?

Dans ce JOURNAL je partage de temps en temps un aperçu de ma vie de chrétien catholique et de prêtre pour rejoindre d'autres qui désirent contribuer au bien commun et pour faire avancer l'ouverture personnelle à Dieu qui fait vivre toute l'humanité et veille sur nous. G.S.


In this JOURNAL I will share once in a while a glimpse of my life as a Catholic Christian and priest to connect with other people who desire to contribute to the common good and to enable personal openness to God who gives life to all of humanity and watches over us. G.S.


Here we are, the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord.... Today some 2,023 years ago the Archangel Gabriel appeared to Myriam of Nazareth to announce to her God's proposal that she be the mother of his Divine Son and name Him Jesus. She was only 14, maybe 15 years old! What a receptive soul this young woman had to be able to endure such a visitation and so quickly to be able to say a whole hearted "Yes!" to the Creator of the Universe....

I've been glad to celebrate this feast in honor of Mary and the Lord Jesus.... It is always a privilege to offer Holy Mass, the Memorial of Jesus' offering of Himself to his Father on our behalf, by which He opened up the possibility for every human being to not only live life fully, but ever more wonderfully, to participate in the divine life of God the Holy Three in One! It is truly awesome that our Creator God, a single Divine Being, is so full of life as to actually be Three Divine Persons in an Eternal Communion of Love, the Divine Family, which is the divine paradigm which served as the pattern for our creation, we human beings, created in God's image and likeness.... See Genesis chapters 1 to 3.... 

We can't really understand all this about God's nature... we'd have to BE GOD to really understand... but Jesus did reveal enough about his Father and Himself and the Holy Spirit for us to at least know about the Most Holy Trinity and, more importantly, that They very much want us to enter into a life-giving personal relationship with Them! 

Please feel free to check out the various Blogger pages connected to this site and you may find any number of treasures to stimulate your imagination, feed your mind, nourish your soul, and shed some light on the path which leads to our Source and our Destiny.... 

Peace to you and your family despite these trying Covid-19 Pandemic days and nights....

P.S.: You may want to check out - "Visualized: the World’s Deadliest Pandemics by Population Impact" 


In this JOURNAL I will share once in a while a glimpse of my life as a Catholic Christian and priest to connect with other people who desire to contribute to the common good and to enable personal openness to God who gives life to all of humanity and watches over us. G.S.


Dans ce JOURNAL je partage de temps en temps un aperçu de ma vie de chrétien catholique et de prêtre pour rejoindre d'autres qui désirent contribuer au bien commun et pour faire avancer l'ouverture personnelle à Dieu qui fait vivre toute l'humanité et veille sur nous. G.S.


© 2004-2022 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2004-2022 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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Le Yogourt Liberté de St. Hyacinthe... rien de plus québécois, pas vrai? Eh bien, non! Depuis 2012 General Mills! En 2025 Sodiaal! Pardon! Quoi?

Dans ce JOURNAL je  partage   de temps en temps de l'actualité ou un aperçu de ma vie de chrétien catholique et de prêtre pour rejoindre...